At-Risk and Support Services

Student Support Team

In keeping with the overall mission of the Winfield School District, the Student Support Team works in partnership with parents and community members in order to meet the academic, physical, and social emotional needs of all of our students.

We strive to create a respectful learning environment that promotes active engagement, continual learning, and skills to become productive members of the community. While we support a philosophy of inclusion, we are committed to providing a continuum of placement and service options to support the individual needs of each student.

The SST works with students, families and staff to provide support in the areas of academic and social-emotional development.

We support students through formalized problem solving teams, 504 Plan teams, and IEP teams. These teams monitor the success of individual students and groups of students. The teams make recommendations around academic, social, emotional, and behavioral interventions or supports to increase a student's access and success in the general education curriculum.

The members of the SST include:

  • Student Services Coordinator
  • Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Speech and Language Pathologist
  • Learning Behavior Specialists
  • Nurse

The district also has access to additional specialists from our special education cooperative (SASED): Vision Itinerant, Hearing Itinerant, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Assistive Technology Consultant, Behavior Specialist.


School District #34 provides a variety of support and special education services with our own staff and, in some instances, with cooperative professionals.  If you have a question or think your child may be in need of services, contact the classroom teacher, building principal Scott Meech, superintendent Matt Rich, or the Coordinator of Student Services Dr. Jennifer Gendel

 Parents who have serious concerns about their preschool children should call the district office at (630) 909-4900, for information and referral.  Early childhood services can include:  speech and language evaluation, specialized testing and parent counseling.  There are several preschool screenings scheduled per school year; consult the calendar for the dates.


Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the District must provide students with disabilities with appropriate special education and related services to address their educational needs. If your student receives related services from the District through their Individualized Education Program ("IEP") document, such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, nursing services, and speech and language therapy, you may request copies of related service logs developed and maintained by the District for your child. These related service logs include information regarding the type and duration of related services administered to your child.

If you have any questions regarding your child's special education services, please contact Dr. Jennifer Gendel, Student Services Coordinator at


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