Mr. Brach (Fourth Grade)

David B


David Brach


 Welcome to fourth grade! My name is David Brach and I will be your child’s teacher for the 2023-2024 school year! This will be my 26th year of teaching in Winfield School District 34! I have taught 3rd grade for 2 years, 1st​ grade for 15 years, and now 4th grade for 9  years. I currently live in Batavia with my wife Julie, daughter Keira, stepdaughters Katie and Maddie, and my son Andrew. I have a 9 year old Lhasa Apso named Murphy, and a Red-Eared Slider turtle named Bubs. I love to go hiking, workout at the gym, spend time with family, and I am a serious comic book collector.  

     During this school year, I am looking forward to helping students learn study habits and organization, develop technology skills, improve critical thinking, and develop the ability to have deep discussions about a topic. My main objective is to provide a stimulating learning environment that will encourage the students to explore and discover new concepts and ideas. This curriculum will be presented in a meaningful and relevant manner. Already I have been planning new and exciting activities for fourth grade and I can’t wait to put them into action! Most of our work will be online via Google Classroom and Seesaw.

      In order for our students to learn in a safe and friendly environment, the following classroom discipline plan will be in effect at all times and we will use the acronym HEROES to help us remember the classroom rules.

Hand in your best work.

Enter the room prepared to learn.

Raise your hand to speak/leave seat.

Obey rules and follow directions quickly.

Exit the room leaving your area clean.

Show respect towards adults and peers.

       I welcome you to contact me anytime with questions, comments, and concerns about your child’s social, emotional, and academic development. I can be reached through email at,​ but would prefer a message through the class Seesaw App. Please follow me on Twitter as I post classroom learning activities and school events daily on my Twitter feed Mr Brach @mrbrach. My Twitter feed is a fantastic tool to follow to see what your child is doing in the classroom daily!

Contact Information

Seesaw App

Twitter Feed-Mr Brach @mrbrach 


Specials Schedule





Friday- Second Step/PE /Library